Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lumber Jack =] Day 24

Whew what a long day it has been!  I have been driving all over Ohio it seems like today.  After work I took a drive by the lot to check progress.  They had delivered another pile of lumber!! And some weird rusted tub shaped things.  Not sure what they are.

I emailed Adam our PM today asking what the next step was. I got an email back this evening saying that they are finishing up a house across from us and we are next!!! It could be as early as Friday they start building! Wooohooooooo. (Doing a happy dance) 

I took a few more pictures this evening as well.

2nd load to the left 

Weird tub rusty things.  Not sure what those anyone?

Since they Sod the front and sides we get grass seed netting in the back.  I creeped and took a picture of the neighbors :)

This is the house they are on now across from us.  They literally built that much in 1 day! Craziness.

Closer view if the clubhouse which will have a park, pool and fitness center.  Which is why we have HOA fees. :/ merp but still excited about the clubhouse!

NVR Update!!!!

We finally got the Approval letter for our loan.  I mean we have only already started building the house!!!  I was freaking out.  Well they took out the "origination fee" to help compare to my outside lender GFE.  But they still have not met the rate I have been locked at which was 3.375!! Nvr's best right now is 3.75!!! Which is a big difference in payment.  So our loan processor said he will check with his market people and see if they can match the rate.  Getting closer!!  At least they are trying to work with it! So anyone out there still in this process don't settle for what they show!! Do some homework on outside lenders.

I hope you all are having a fabulous week!! 


  1. That's awesome that your LO is willing to work with you. We are gonna try that!!!

    Yes we have those two tub like things on our lot too. Well one of them is a tub for the 2nd bath and the other one is shower casing...for master. We emailed and asked our PM about that.

    Our framing is suppose to start today. So we are a day apart! :-)

    1. Awesome! I thought they looked like tubs!! But thought those are way to rusted to be new!

      How exciting about your framing!

      As for the bank, we checked with Union Savings. I am not sure if you have any of those around you but they basically paid all of our closing cost in the GFE and any deposits we paid they applied it to the initial loan amount. Which is ideal! Just get the lender to give you a copy of the GFE and send it in to your LO for review.
