After getting situated Saturday we started to hear a humming noise that had been going the whole time we were moving. At first we thought it was the a/c. After some investigation we found the culprit!!! Our door bell had a short and was giving off serious heat. In order to shut it off we had to shut the breaker off to the front room. We contacted our PM and he scheduled the electrician. Unfortunately, we couldn't use that front room at night or our powder room since the breaker was off for almost a week.
Next order of business. If you have a basement get a dehumidifier right away!!!!!! Our PM had told us he was purchasing us one as a gift so we held off waiting. Well it took about a week and they dropped it by. Since we don't have furniture downstairs we really hadn't been down there. Well shock of our life we go down to show our basement Find green mold/mildew on the baseboards! I had to take a moment and breathe without freaking out on someone. Our PM came over right away Monday morning and said it was a surface mold which is good. It's caused by moisture and grows when there is no air flow. Since we had the house painted and closed the door it caused the growth. A little Clorox wipes and a dehumidifier did the trick. I am so thankful for our PM and SR because they have really helped us with several things since closing. We have had a few other issues not worth mentioning but they all have been resolved.
Our neighbors are all so nice. They always wave and say hello. I am waiting for our pool key to arrive so we can take advantage of the clubhouse and meet more people. I will attach some photos of that we have so far interior wise. This week our blinds should be installed and we have invisible fence coming out to quote for our dog fence. Since closing we have painted hung some photos. And today the wallpaper installers came and finished our accent walls and bathrooms. Thanks to my mom for the fabulous gift of wallpaper and the installation!! I love everything about my home so far. :)
Accent gray and main walls are green
Peppery (red/orange) accent in morning room
Fresh paint
The other accent wall
Movers :) aka my sister and her boyfriend
My new sectional and the couch we have to sell lol
My son loving his room. And having all his toys back! His room is a blue :)
My first morning k-cup :)
Breakfast time :)
Some of my art selections
Morning room
Main living area coming along...
Another view...
My daughters room and her accent wallpaper wall...I love!
So cute!
She picked her colors
My powder room wallpaper. It is a shimmer pattern. So pretty! I love animal print
Our master bath. The wall paper is coral! It is sooooo pretty In person.
We are still working on other rooms so I will be sure to post =]